옵틱 클라우드의 Laser Diode - Fabry-Perot Laser Diode (Single Mode) 제품들 입니다.

975nm single-mode laser diode

980nm single-mode laser diode

975nm single-mode laser diode

High brightness, quality, and reliability are the foundation of our single-mode laser diode product family. Our 975nm single-mode laser diodes are capable of delivering output power up to 300mW. They are available in Chip-on-Submount, TO-Can, and Butterfly packages. Popular applications include Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV)/Flow Cytometry, Fluorescence Excitation (bio), Oral Surgery, and Raman Spectroscopy.

Why choose a single-mode diode? Structurally speaking, single-mode lasers have a much smaller beam radius and a single emission region. Because there is only one mode in the output beam, the quality of light emitted by the laser is brighter and has exceptional beam quality. Single-mode diodes are in general less powerful than their multimode counterparts, but they are an excellent choice for applications where tight tolerances and superior beam quality is required.

For more information on the different powers for this laser diode, please download your desired power datasheet.









상호 : 옵틱 클라우드
대표자 : 박기태
연락처 : 042-710-8380

FAX : 042-710-8381

이메일 : sales@opticcloud.co.kr
사업장 주소 : 대전광역시 유성구 대학로 28 (봉명동) 101동 7층 810, 811호
사업자등록번호 : 630-38-01201

통신판매업 2023-대전유성-1755 

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