옵틱 클라우드의 Accessories - Laser Curtains & Barrier 제품들 입니다.
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사업자등록번호 : 630-38-01201
통신판매업 2023-대전유성-1755
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Laser Safety Curtains
Shield laser radiation over a large area!
Scattered radiation and direct hits caused by laser radiation are a great danger for your safety and that of your employees in daily laboratory and work operations with laser systems and laser equipment.
Laser safety curtains are a simple and flexible way to shield entire room areas from laser radiation. Laser safety curtains can reliably protect against scattered radiation and direct irradiation either as a fixed installation or in mobile racks. Our laser protection curtains are tested according to EN 12254 and are available in all dimensions due to in-house production. Depending on your individual requirements, you can connect the laser safety curtains with Velcro and loop tape, zipper system or magnets, this guarantees a light-tight connection. Various connection and fastening systems such as keder or rail systems round off our range.
Please feel free to contact us or try out our online configurator!
Here you can find more information about laser protection in clean rooms.
Curtain Guide
Here you can find more information about our laser safety curtains!
If entire room areas need to be protected from laser radiation, laser protection curtains are used. These serve as protection against scattered radiation as well as direct irradiation in laser applications with low powers. All our materials used are tested and certified on the basis of EN 12254. Due to in-house production, all dimensions are available.
Furthermore, our laser protection curtains can be wrapped in cleanroom compatible materials. In cooperation with our highly specialized partners, we can offer you the appropriate cover for almost any cleanroom application. Our covers are particularly characterized by their longevity, as diffusion of the antistatic agents and plasticizers is avoided. The covers are optionally available with FDA/GMP certificates. All covers can be equipped for your ESD requirements.
We also offer the appropriate suspension system (keder system) for your application.
Should you have any questions? We are happy to advise you to find the right solution for you!
Item No.: 220-BUDGET-LP
Laser safety curtain isoPROTECT-Budget LP suitable for all wavelengths from 180-315nm and 400-850nm.
weight: approx. 0,3 kg/m²
Material thickness: approx. 0.85 mm
Available in the following colors:
-01 black
Protection levels according to EN 12254:
D AB5 + R AB2 180 - 315
D AB2 (OD 4+) 315 - 850
D AB3 >850 - 1400
D AB1 >1400 - 11000
Power densities according to EN 12254:
180-850 100 sec 100 W/m² (0.01 W/cm²)
>1050-1400 100 sec 25 kW/m² (2.5 W/cm²)
>1400-11000 100 sec 10 kW/m² (1 W/cm²)
Item No.: 220-BUDGET
Laser safety curtain isoPROTECT-Budget suitable for all wavelengths from 180-11000 nm.
weight: approx. 1,0 kg/m²
Material thickness: approx. 0.8 mm
Available in the following colors:
- 01 black - 02 white - 61 carbon
-59 black/carbon
-54 black/white
Protection levels according to EN 12254:
D AB8 + IR AB3 + M AB5Y 180 - 315
D AB5 >315 - 1050
D AB4 >1050 - 1400
I AB7 + R AB6 + M AB8 >315 - 1400
DIR AB2 + M AB3Y >1400 - 11000
Power densities according to EN 12254:
180-1050 100 sec 100 kW/m² (10 W/cm²)
>1050-1400 100 sec 250 kW/m² (25 W/cm²)
>1400-11000 100 sec 100 kW/m² (10 W/cm²)
Laser safety curtain isoPROTECT-Budget suitable for all wavelengths from 180-11000 nm.
weight: approx. 1,25 kg/m²
Material thickness: approx. 1.0 mm
Available in the following colors:
-63 Black - "Cube-Optik"
Schutzstufen nach EN 12254:
D AB9 + IR AB3 + M AB5Y 180 - 315
D AB5 >315 - 1050
D AB4 >1050 - 1400
I AB7 + R AB6 + M AB8 >315 - 1400
DIR AB2 + M AB3Y >1400 - 11000
Leistungsdichten nach EN 12254:
180-1050 100 sec 100kW/m² (10 W/cm²)
>1050-1400 100 sec 2,5MW/m²(250 W/cm²)
>1400-11000 100 sec 100kW/m²(10 W/cm²)
isoPROTECT-Budget Extra
Item No.: 220-BUDGET-Extra
Laser safety curtain isoPROTECT-Budget Extra suitable for all wavelengths from 180-11000 nm.
weight: approx. 2,0 kg/m²
Material thickness: approx. 1.6 mm
Available in the following colors:
-61 carbon/carbon
Protection levels according to EN 12254:
D AB8 + IR AB3 + M AB5Y 180 - 315
D AB6 + IR AB7Y + M AB8 >315 - 1050
D AB5 + IR AB7Y + M AB8 >1050 - 1400
DIR AB3 + M AB4Y >1400 - 11000
Power densities according to EN 12254:
180-315 100 sec 100 kW/m² (10 W/cm²)
>315-1050 100 sec 100 MW/m² (100 W/cm²)
>1050-1400 100 sec 2,5 MW/m² (250 W/cm²)
>1400-11000 100 sec 100 kW/m² (10 W/cm²)
Item No.: 220-HIGH
Laser protection curtain: isoPROTECT-HighTech suitable for all wavelengths from 180-11000 nm.
weight: approx. 2,2 kg/m²
Material thickness: approx. 2.2 mm
Available in the following colors:
-01 black -02 white -03 silver
Protection levels according to EN 12254:
D AB9 + IR AB4 + M AB5Y 180 - 315
D AB7 >315 - 1050
D AB6 >1050 - 1400
IR AB6 + M AB8Y >315 - 532
I AB7 + R AB7 + M AB8Y >532 - 1400
D AB3 + IR AB4 + M AB3Y >1400 - 11000
Power densities according to EN 12254:
180-315 100 sec 1000 kW/m² (100 W/cm²)
> 315-1050 100 sec 10000 kW/m² (1000 W/cm²)
>1050-1400 100 sec 25000 kW/m² (2500 W/cm²)
>1400-11000 100 sec 1000 kW/m² (100 W/cm²)
isoProtect Budget-Superior
Item No.: 220-BUDGET-Superior
Laser safety curtain isoPROTECT-Budget Superior suitable for all wavelengths from 180-11000 nm.
material thickness: approx. 2.8 mm
Available in the following colors:
-61 carbon/carbon
Protection levels according to EN 12254:
D AB9 + IR AB3 + M AB5Y (OD 9+) 180 - 315
D AB6 + IR AB7Y + M AB8 (OD 8+) >315 - 1400
DIR AB3 + M AB4Y (OD 4+) >1400 - 11000
Power density according to EN 12254:
180-11000 100 sec 1 MW/m² (100 W/cm²)
Artikel-Nr.: 230-PROTECT-CR-ESD
Cleanroom laser safety curtain isoPROTECT-CR is suitable for wavelengths spectrum of 315 - 1400 nm
and fulfills the requirements for ISO Class 3-9b cleanroom applications according to DIN EN 14644.
Thickness: ca. 0,6 mm
Available in the following colors:
-01 schwarz
Protection levels according to EN 12254:
D AB4 315 -1050
D AB3 >1050-1400
Power densities according to EN 12254:
315-1050 100 sec 250 kW/m² (250 W/cm²)
>1050-1400 100 sec 25 kW/m² ( 2.5 W/cm²)
Power densities according to EN 60825-4:
800-1400 T3 12 sec 54 kW/m²
800-1400 T2 105 sec 15 kW/m²
Item No.: 230-PROTECT-CR
Laser safety curtain isoPROTECT-CR is suitable for clean rooms as of GMP class C.
This corresponds to the clean room class 7 according to EN ISO 14644-1 (not operational) or rather to the clean room class 8 (operational).
material thickness: approx. 1.00 mm
material surface: even
Available in the following colors:
-01 black
Protection levels according to EN 12254:
D AB5 315 - 1050
D AB4 >1050 - 1400
Power densities according to EN 12254:
315-1050 100 sec 2.5 MW/m² (250 W/cm²)
>1050-1400 100 sec 250 kW/m² ( 25 W/cm²)
Power densities according to EN 60825-4:
800-1400 T3 12 sec 13 kW/m²
800-1400 T2 105 sec 9 kW/m²